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summer vacation

BRC Events

Passing the Torch

September 3, 2012

As Labor Day Weekend  slips through the Heartland on Isaac`s stormy rains, the parched grounds and gardens surrounding the Banjo Rehabilitation Center taste water for the first time in a long dry summer. Although there is a touch of autumn in the Missouri morning air outside our workshop, thoughts turn back to the sunny California beaches where the BRC staff enjoyed a well-deserved holiday only a few short weeks ago. As pictured in the below beach photo, the BRC founder passes the family musical torch to our harmonica-playing CEO thus linking a generational chain that began with the youngster`s great grandfather. In the background, the CEO`s guitar-picking uncle is beach combing with his tiny daughter, our Senior VP of Sales.

Check-out our first BRC banjo autumn offering on eBay from September 3-10 (sold).

Upon receipt, the buyer e-mailed, “Banjo is just what I wanted; Just the sound I was looking for; Beautiful too….Great work!”