Art Shows, Jamming

Holidays Draw Near

December 4, 2021

After an hiatus of 18 pandemic months, our mid week jam session returned to giving bimonthly performances at a nearby nursing home nestled in the foothills of the Ozarks. We were stationed in the lobby in front of a glowing fireplace which was surmounted by a TV screen while the clients viewed us from afar. The audience especially enjoyed the classic country tunes  of yesteryear and old-time gospel sing alongs.

With the arrival of the Holiday Season, the local art league in our university town had its annual “Gift of Art” exhibit. The BRC craftsman fashioned a “Unikorn” banjo for the winter show.

Instead of traditional mother of pearl inlays decorating the 5-stringer, the inlays were made of birch. As always, there was a signature BRC inlay on the heel of the banjo for the eyes only of the musician.

At the gala evening Gift of Art reception, gallery visitors closely studied the “Unikorn” which was hung amidst oil and water color paintings. One couple fondly pointed-out that they had purchased a BRC banjo at a previous holiday exhibit in years past and had gifted it to their daughter who was quite pleased playing her instrument. A mother inquired with the BRC craftsman if another  “Baroque Bur Oak” type 5-stringer (see posting of June 5, 2021, or enter “baroque” in the homepage search engine) could be fashioned for her son.  As all BRC banjos are generally one-of-a-kind instruments, thematic alterations were mutually agreed upon for her son`s “Bur Oak II” banjo which is currently under construction.

From the BRC: Have a happy and healthy Holiday Season.

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